The Homily of the Apostolic Nuncio, Chapel of the Apostolic Nunciature, Thursday 18th January 2018
Gospel: Mark 3:7-12
The conclusion, at the end of the five conflicts with the Pharisees and the Herodians, is that the Good News as it was announced by Jesus said exactly the opposite of the teaching of the religious authority of the time. This is why, at the end of the last conflict, it is foreseen that Jesus will be put to death. 
The today’s Gospel is a summary of the activity of Jesus and they highlight an enormous contrast. Earlier, only conflicts were spoken of, now, in the summary, we have the contrary: an immense popular movement, greater than the movement of John the Baptist, because people come not only from Galilee to encounter Jesus! 
The people are so numerous that Jesus is concerned. From the boat He spoke to the crowds. Especially the excluded and the marginalized. Those who were not accepted in the society were accepted by Jesus. Here is the contrast: on the one side the religious and civil leaders decided to put Jesus to death, and on the other side there was an immense popular movement seeking salvation in Jesus. 
Mark insists on the expulsion of the unclean spirits. In his Gospel the first miracle of Jesus is the expulsion of the unclean spirits. The first impact caused by Jesus is due to the expulsion of the devil. The first power which the Apostles received when they were sent out on mission was the power to expel demons. 
At the time of Mark the fear of the devil was increasing. Some religions, instead of liberating the people, increased fear and anguish. One of the objectives of the Good News of Jesus is to help people liberate themselves from this fear. The coming of the Kingdom means the coming of a stronger power. Jesus is “the Stronger Man” Who has come to conquer and overcome Satan, the power of evil, and to take way from Satan those imprisoned by fear.