Homily of the Apostolic Nuncio Chapel of the Apostolic Nunciature Thursday 14 June 2018
Gospel: Mathew 5:20-26
The text of today’s Gospel is placed in a larger unity. In this Matthew shows us how Jesus interpreted and explained the Law of God. Five times He repeats the phrase, “You have heard how it was said to our ancestors, but I say to you!”. According to some Pharisees, Jesus was eliminating the law. But it was exactly the contrary. 
Before the Law of Moses, Jesus has an attitude of rupture and of continuity. He breaks away from the mistaken interpretation which was closed up in the prison of the letter, but He affirms categorically the last objective of the law: to attain the greatest justice, which is Love.
In the communities for which Matthew writes his Gospel there were diverse opinions concerning the Law of Moses. Matthew tries to help to understand the true meaning of the Law and presents some counsels of Jesus to help them face and overcome conflicts which arose within families and communities.
The Evangelist indicates to the communities how they should practice a greater justice which surpasses the justice of the scribes and the pharisees and which leads to the full observance of the law. Then, after this general key to a greater justice, Matthew quotes five very concrete examples of how to practice the Law, in such a way that its observance leads to the perfect practice of love. 
The new ideal that Jesus proposes is this: "To be perfect as the Heavenly Father is perfect!” (Mt 5:48). That means that I will be just before God, if I try to accept and to forgive people as God accepts and forgives me gratuitously in spite of my many defects and sins.