The Homily of the Apostolic Nuncio, Chapel of the Apostolic Nunciature, Saturday 27th January 2018
Gospel: Mark 4:35-41
The Gospel describes the storm and Jesus who sleeps. St. Mark begins to reveal the mystery of the Kingdom present in the power which Jesus exercises in favor of the people in need. Jesus overcomes, dominates the sea, a symbol of chaos. 
A creative power acts in the Lord who conquers and drives out the devil. He is the victorious. There is no reason to have fear. 
It had been a heavy day. Once the discourse on the parables was finished, Jesus said, “Let us cross over to the other side!” They take Him on the boat in which He had made the discourse. Because He was extremely tired, He went to sleep and this is a very human picture.
The Lake of Galilee is surrounded by mountains. Sometimes, through the cracks in the rocks, the wind blows and provokes sudden storms. The disciples were experienced fishermen. If they think that they are going to sink, then the situation is really dangerous. Jesus continues to sleep. This profound sleep is a sign of great fatigue and the expression of a calm peaceful trust which He has in God. 
Jesus wakes up because of the desperate cries of the disciples. He addresses Himself to the sea and there followed a great calm. Then said, “Why are you so frightened? Have you still no faith?”. 
The episode of the storm which was calmed recalls Exodus, when the people, without fear, passed through the water of the sea. It recalls the Prophet Isaiah who told the people, “If you go across the water I will be with you!” (Is 43: 2).