Homily of the Apostolic Nuncio, Chapel of the Apostolic Nunciature, Saturday 1 February 2020

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41

The Gospel describes the storm on the lake and Jesus who sleeps in the boat. Sometimes our Church feels like a small boat lost in the sea of life, without much hope of arriving at the port. Jesus Christ seems to be sleeping in our boat, since no divine power seems to appear to save from difficulties.

In view of this situation, Saint Mark puts together several episodes which reveal how the Lord Jesus Christ is present in the midst of the community. In these parables, the mystery of the Kingdom is revealed, which is present in the things of daily life.

Now He begins to reveal the mystery of the Kingdom present in the power which our Redeemer exercises in favor of the disciples, in favor of the people, and above all, in favor of the excluded and marginalized. Jesus overcomes, dominates the sea, a symbol of chaos. A creative power of life acts in Him! He is the victorious Word of God! There is no reason to have fear.

This is the reason for this passage about the storm being calmed by Jesus, which we are meditating on in today’s Gospel.

Today, mankind has a belief that it has mastered everything, and when things go wrong, people blame God for not caring. Faith provides the calm peaceful trust Jesus had rather than the anxiety that the disciples had. The episode of the storm which was calmed recalls Exodus, when the people, without fear, passed through the water of the sea. Jesus does the exodus again and carries out the prophecy announced by Psalms.