Meditation of the Apostolic Nuncio, Apostolic Nunciature, New Delhi, Friday 11 September 2020

Gospel: Luke 6: 39-42

Today’s Gospel gives us some of the passages of the discourse which Jesus pronounced on the plains after having spent the night in prayer and after He had called the twelve to be His apostles.

Jesus tells a parable to the disciples: “Can a blind man guide another blind man? Will not both of them fall into a hole?”. Here in the context of the Gospel of Luke, this parable is addressed to the animators of communities.

The Lord added to what had gone before a very necessary parable, as it is said. He spoke a parable to his disciples, for they were the future teachers of the world, and it therefore became known to them, the way of a virtuous life, having their minds illuminated as it were by a divine brightness, that they should not be blind leaders of the blind.

The Lord forewarned them that the blind cannot be led by the blind, that is, the sinner corrected by the sinner.

Self-knowledge seems the most important of all. For not only the eye, looking at outward things, fails to exercise its sight upon itself, but our understanding also, though very quick in apprehending the sin of another, is slow to perceive its own. Total self-knowledge and full openness toward others considering them as brothers/sisters will arise in us only when we are capable of relating to God with total trust as His children.