Homily of the Apostolic Nuncio Chapel of the Apostolic Nunciature Wednesday, 28 February 2018
Gospel: Mathew 20: 17-28
Today’s Gospel presents three points: the third announcement of the Passion, the petition of the mother of the sons of Zebedee and the discussion of the disciples regarding the first place among them.
Going toward Jerusalem, Jesus walks in front of the disciples. He knows that He is going to be killed. His death is the consequence of the commitment taken concerning the mission received from the Father. The disciple should follow the Master. The disciples are frightened and accompany Him with fear. They do not understand what is happening. Suffering did not correspond to the idea that they had of the Messiah.
The disciples do not only not understand the importance and significance of the message of Jesus, but they continue with their own personal ambitions. They were concerned only about their own interests. In spite of the fact of having lived with Jesus several years, they had not renewed their way of seeing things. They wanted a reward for following Jesus. 
Jesus reacts firmly. Jesus speaks once again, on the exercise of power. He teaches against privileges and rivalry. He wants to change the system and insists on that service as the remedy against personal ambition.